Audio: Listen to little snippets of @NickCarter’s album #AllAmerican

by | Nov 21, 2015 | News | 0 comments


Obviously by now you know that you can go to Nick Carter’s official site and buy a hard actual CD copy of the album and get the mp3’s of the album on Wednesday (Nov. 25). You can also get the package with a poster!

But Amazon put up where you can buy “All American” today and has snippets of each song!

1. 19 in 99
2. Get Over Me
3. California
4. Second Wind
5. Swet
6. Cherry Pie
7. Tijuana
8. All American
9. Man on the Moon
10. Horoscope
11. I Will Wait
Click here to visit Amazon and listen to the clips.
My favorites? Obviously “19 in ’99” since Nick and I are the same age and were 19 in 1999, “Horoscope,” “Get Over Me” and “Cherry Pie.”

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