‘Dancing With The Stars’ Week 7 Tidbits – @NickCarter is dancing to…

by | Oct 23, 2015 | News, Videos | 0 comments

For Week 7 of “Dancing with the Stars,” things are being done a little differently.

For one, there’s two dances and for one of the dances, the remaining contestants are splitting into teams. The teams are the top two performers per voting scores – Bindi and Nick.

Team Bindi/Team will be performing “Who You Gonna Call?”(Song: “Theme from Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr.) and on that team are:

Bindi & Derek
Alexa & Mark
Carlos & Witney
Alek & Lindsay

Team Nick/Team Nightmare will be dancing to “This is Halloween” from A Nightmare Before Christmas. On that team are:

Nick & Sharna
Tamar & Val
Andy & Allison
Hayes & Emma

For the solo dance, according to various DWTS sources, Nick and Sharna will be performing the Argentine Tango to Evanescence’s “Bring Me To Life.”

Check out Nick’s two songs below:


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