ICYMI: Fan Of The Moment meet @Komplete_Kaos

by | May 18, 2015 | Personal | 1 comment


Our second Fan Of The Moment is Jen Lowe, from Arizona. Shes a diehard Backstreet Boys fan
Heres a little bit of her story :

Q) How and when did you become a fan ?

I became a fan back in 1997 when I heard Quit Playing Games for the first time. I was listening to the radio and heard such a good harmony coming from my speakers. I remember thinking “wow, these guys can sing.” Then the DJ came on after the song was over and said “that was The Backstreet Boys with Quit Playing Games With My Heart.” And the rest is history!

Q) What was your first concert experience ?

My first concert experience was the Into The Millennium Tour October 14, 1999 at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim. The absolute best concert I’ve ever been to!! So theatrical and epic!

Q) Who is your favorite in the group?

My favorite is Nick. His goofiness, his randomness, hes just adorable. Ive never had a bad experience when meeting him. He always goes out of his way to make you feel special.

Q) what is your favorite album?

My favorite album is a toss up between This Is Us and Black and Blue. But if I needed to choose one, I’m gonna choose Black and Blue.

Q) what is your favorite song ?

My favorite song is ‘What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful’. The message behind it and the reason for writing it is just beautiful.

Q) what is your least favorite song ?

My least favorite song is Weird World. Ive just never felt a connection with that song. I never could get into it. It just became a song i skipped when it came on shuffle.

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