Music Update: New @NickCarter solo album tease with song titles, video clip #NickCarterAlbum

by | Mar 8, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Sooner than expected we got to know more about Nick Carter’s new solo project!

Nick shared some of the song titles on Twitter and a (way too short) video clip of one of his new songs on Instagram.

According to him the album is gonna be released in Japan first in July and he needs to find a label or distributor to have it released in North America so everyone can hear it. (As if we won’t order CD’s in Japan…:-) )

Are we excited? DEFINITELY!

A video posted by Nick Carter (@nickcarter) on Mar 6, 2015 at 11:54am PST


Since we don’t know what the songs are about yet – Which song sounds the most interesting or promising to you? (All in good fun of course)

And Nick, if you ever read that: You’re a TEASE – and you better make Cherry Pie good! 😉

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