Who is Dan Muckala, the man working with @NickCarter on his new solo album?

by | Jan 23, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter made millions of fans happy this week when he posted a photo on Instagram of himself in a studio with a man named Dan Muckala.

A photo posted by Nick Carter (@nickcarter) on Jan 21, 2015 at 11:43am PST


But who is this man? He’s no stranger to working with Mr. Carter, having worked with him on his “I’m Taking Off” album, and on several Backstreet Boys albums, including their latest release, “In A World Like This.”

DanMOn Nick’s album “I’m Taking Off,” Muckala co-wrote the album’s first single, “Just One Kiss,” with Nick, along with “So Far Away.”

For Backstreet Boys’ “Never Gone” album, he co-wrote their hit single “Incomplete” and produced it. On “Unbreakable,” he co-wrote the Intro to the album with the the Backstreet Boys and produced it, along with “Everything But Mine,” “Any Other Way,” “One In A Million,” “Panic,” “You Can Let Go,” “Unmistakable,” and “Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon.” He also wrote the bonus tracks on the album, “In Pieces” and “Satellite.”

For “In A World Like This,” Muckala co-wrote and produced “Make Believe,” “Feels Like Home” and “Light On.”

Most recently, Muckala co-wrote a song on the comeback album for the best-selling solo artist in music history, Garth Brooks. The song, “You Wreck Me” was co-written with Kevin Kadish (Meghan Trainor’s “All About The Bass”) and Stephenie Bentley, who is from around my hometown in South Georgia. Bentley has had many hits, the biggest of which was Faith Hill’s “Breathe.”

So, if it’s indication… Nick’s making a smart move working with Dan Muckala on his solo album.

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