The @BackstreetBoys Top 20 Songs: No. 5 – “Incomplete” #BSBTop20

by | Dec 20, 2014 | BSB Top 20 | 0 comments

The song that comes in at No. 5 on the Top 20 favorite Backstreet Boys songs is the first single from their album “Never Gone,” called “Incomplete.”

The song was written by Dan Muckala, Lindy Robbins, and Jess Cates. Macukala, who is known for his other work with the band and Nick Carter, also has written songs for Garth Brooks, LeAnn Rimes and Amy Grant.

To see the entire list so far, click hereNote: The Backstreet Boys Top 20 songs will countdown once a day until Christmas with songs that fans who voted here at Boys On The Block consider their favorites.

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