10 reasons why you need to see the new Backstreet Boys (@backstreetboys) movie, “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of”

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Top Lists | 3 comments


On January 30, 2015 (and February 26, 2015 worldwide), fans will finally get to see the documentary the boys began filming in 2012. Yep, there’s no time like Backstreet time.

A quick preview of the movie was shown during the “In A World Like This” for the past two days. There have been a few screenings across the world to test the waters with the documentary and some fans have seen the first 20 minutes of the film while on the 2014 Backstreet Boys cruise.

Here are ten reasons (or at least a few things we know about the movie) you should go see “Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of” on your respective date.


It should be interesting to see the boys in a “normal” light, sitting around at a house, doing nothing. We know Brian and Howie cooked breakfast most days and Brian would take Nick coffee (or was it tea?) to his bedroom for him. Plus, Howie has made it clear that he cooked breakfast burritos. How can you just pass that up?



In the clip that we saw on the cruise, it showed a lot about the early days of the group – aka. The Pearlman Days. The boys discussed Lou, who is still in prison, and said somethings that kind of shocked a few people who watched it. (NO SPOILERS!). There are also a few things that was said that could possibly give us nightmares. You think you know, but you have no idea.


One of the most exciting things (for me anyway) to see in the movie is the recording process for “In A World Like This.” In the clips we’ve seen, it has shown the boys working on songs, playing instruments in the studio and writing. There are also going to be new songs in the movie we haven’t heard. According to the boys, there will be a soundtrack to go along with the movie with unreleased songs.

7. DVD

The documentary/movie will be released on DVD, according to the boys and the press release that accompanied the news of the movie date. The boys said on the cruise that the first cut of the movie was three hours. Yes, three hours! They were able to cut it down to two and had just approved deleted scenes for the DVD. AJ wants to also have a gag reel for the movie. However, we think that the boys should do a mutli-DVD package like R.E.M. just released. Their DVD features several disc of concerts and live appearances along with the DVD of the recent documentary REMTV. It costs around $100, but Backstreet Boys fans have wanted something like that for YEARS. YEARS. We’d pay it. Trust me.




Nick’s back story will be featured along with the other boys on the documentary, but his is going to be one of the most emotional. He goes back to Tampa, to his old school and in some of the previews, breaks down and cries. We don’t like when Nick cries. For all we know also, he goes into more family detail, too.  I asked Nick about going back to his old school during the Q&A on the cruise.



Let’s face it – the boys were stuck in a house for two weeks in London with cameras. You know at some point there’s going to be some nakedness going around. Or at least shirtless. It was London in the summertime, people. While we are all about the music, they are pretty boys. Very pretty. Maybe we’ll see a little skin. #SelfishGirlyReason



This is the one “story” that we saw while on the cruise and bring your tissues. In fact, just bring a whole six pack of tissue paper so that you can wipe your eyes and take it around to the other unsuspecting fools who had no idea a Backstreet Boys movie could make them cry so much. I’m not one to cry at emotional things, but I cried. Like a baby. He goes back to Kentucky, where he grew up and you probably learn more about him in five minutes than you have the entire past 21 years.



According to those who have seen the movie, there is a lot of Frick and Frack action in the documentary. If you don’t know who Frick and Frack are, why are you reading this? It’s Brian and Nick. But not all the Frick and Frack action is funny and loving. There’s some arguments. Some MAJOR arguments. But we know deep down they still love one another.


2. Q

We will get to see plenty of the boys late bodyguard Q in the movie, since he was the only security over in London with the boys. He and Nick shared living quarters during their time living in London, which Nick said he was thankful for. For those that don’t know or live under a rock, Q tragically passed away suddenly almost a year ago a few days after the boys wrapped up their Christmas shows.



The one thing that we will see from this movie – the boys truly, deeply love one another. They are family. They aren’t just bandmates. They are brothers. You can tell that already, but just by the 20 minutes we saw on the cruise, we could see that even more.


So everybody, on January 30, or whenever your release date is, drag everybody you know – your friends, your Mama, your Daddy, your Grandma and Grandpa, the next door neighbor you don’t know, but think they might like Howie – everybody to the movies to see the documentary that we have been waiting on for-ev-er.


Thanks to those on Tumblr for the gifs, especially our Lisa for the Q animation.

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