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News: When was the last time you asked Siri about your favorite boy bands?

by | Jan 14, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Featured, News | 0 comments

This morning in my woken slumber, I found out that the iPhone’s helper, Siri, knows her boy bands.

When asked who the Backstreet Boys were …

Siri said all of the members names and also linked to indivudal pages about each member.

How about that?

Now when you ask Siri about One Direction …

Siri said all of the members’ names and said that they were an English-Irish pop boy band. Unlike the Backstreet Boys, they do not list each member.

When asked about 98 Degrees …

[AdSense-A] Siri knew who One Direction was and spoke all of the members names, but like One Direction, it did not link to all of the members.

Now … onto NSync….

Siri did not know who NSync was at all and just showed various websites that discuss NSync.

Guess we know who her favorite boy band is?